I knew something must be wrong and it was time to take health more serious. What messages are your body and mind trying to convey?

That’s when the insomnia and depression got bad. I wanted leave the planet.
Have you been told your conditions and symptoms have no solution?

About Pure Success Nutrition

The story of Pure Success Nutrition starts with a young child desperately gasping for air and leaving the gates of life 3 times and coming back each time.  That child was me.  Growing up with life threatening asthma taught me that all the pills, doctors and specialists might save lives, but they never helped me get healthier or live a better life.  

By the time I was in college, I realized that I was the only one who could be responsible for my well being.  I immediately took a keen interest in industries and food in particular as well.  I memorized every food label I came across and could tell you the ingredients in every processed food.  I researched the internet to find out why each ingredient was used, where it came from and health concerns.  Let me save you some time label reading, just try to stick to whole foods as much as possible.

In 2008 I was really enjoying life, drinking in moderation, working 2 jobs, eating fast food, relying on too much caffeine and doing really well in college when it hit me.  BAM a major psychosis schizophrenic like episode that lasted several months.  I thought I was a Savior and came to realize that I lost reality and needed to find out what was the truth, what was real and what wasn’t.  

As it faded without much intervention, it became PTSD, anxiety and busted adrenals.  Not long after, I started losing hair all over my body.  I knew my body was trying to say something.

Afterwards while I became a terrible music student, I found myself fascinated by the brain and mind and started studying psychology in education, neuroscience and brain damage.  I wanted to understand intelligence deeply and became a research assistant in the Cognition lab and Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at UC Irvine.  

As I started heading to a career in science, I became quickly disillusioned by the challenges science and research face being all about money.  Though I worked with brilliant scientists who furthered my passion for the search of knowledge, I could see the scientific institutions were locked in planned obsolescence, and true progress being diminished by the status quo, which consistently prevented disruptive research and technology from gaining momentum in many fields. Like the electric car and computer science.

So I kept my focus on studying health while I struggled to pretend to be a normal college student trying to hold it together with declining health.  

Then about 2010, I totaled my car, got a minor TBI, had surgery, antibiotics, and had a break up with my girlfriend.  It all weighed on my health.  By 2012, my skin conditions had me scrambling for answers in all directions, seeing different professionals, ayurveda, chinese medicine, immersing myself in the alternative health movement, going to health conferences, trying herbs and supplements, fasting, doing exercise, energy healing, spiritual work, yoga, cold plunging, sauna and I got a couple things right early on.

I started looking at the top 8 food allergens and I knew there was something there for me.  I started seeing some success with an allergy elimination diet.  I also was looking into the success psychology of famous successful people like Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Napoleon Hill, Dean Graziosi and was searching openly for spiritual answers to suffering.  I started thinking about how going for the highest quality is an important way to truly love myself.

It wasn’t enough still, as I was getting allergies and weird symptoms.  There’s nothing that will bring a man to his knees begging to his maker like chronic illness.  By 2015, I was ready to leave the planet and begged whoever was the highest source listening to me.  I promised, if you show me how to heal, I will devote myself to helping others out of suffering, because I knew I wasn’t made to suffer.  That was the seed for Pure Success Nutrition, the moment I knew what I would be doing for the rest of my life.

Eventually I was approached by a health coach who introduced me to a doctor’s program.  It started me from scratch and I found myself more disciplined and consistent than ever with my health.  I felt like I had a real strategy and that this doctor had so much information about health it was amazing.  I ended up back on foods that I was allergic to before and not reacting to, and my hair grew back.  

My skin however, continued to suffer and I was left with a well disciplined self care routine, but I was stuck.  Seeing therapists trying to figure out if my brain was broken or I was broken, I was struggling to work enough to support myself and lived in my car, an insomniac, isolated, depressed, alone, in miserable pain. 

Finally, in 2017 I was ready for health enlightenment, ready to transform and ascend into spiritual 4th dimensional mastery just like everybody else.  Instead, I found a podcast with the root causes of my illness for the first time by Anthony William.  It turns out, I had passed by the answers so many times in so many ways and just needed a little confirmation and direction, away from all the noise.

I just needed some practical, grounded, detailed health information, since I already developed the mindset, scientific understanding and discipline I needed.  I just needed confirmation that my theory was correct about my allegedly genetic and autoimmune disease so that I didn’t blame my body for my illness unjustly.  It turns out my theory about weight gain and allergies, as well as my suspicions about the top food allergens were very much on the right path, and I wasn’t the only one who was calling bs on these misinterpretations.

I was able to turn a new leaf with the info and with my existing knowledge of research, chemistry, physics, success psychology, studying doctors and health industry, I was able to confirm support for the new information I was studying to be in alignment with much of the research, science and alternative health industry patterns.  

I created a cleanse initially from the information and started immediately feeling relieved like a heavy load being lifted from me.  Before It was like I was carrying a heavy backpack that someone was adding stones into everyday little by little without my knowing.  After only a couple weeks It was like setting down that heavy load for the first time.  Anxiety and depression started to lift and I was beginning to find joy, connection and energy again.

As a hardcore skeptic, I wanted to investigate every aspect and crevice of this new information before sharing it with others. It wasn’t enough for me to just get results for myself, my family, and my friends. Over the years, I had to call friends of friends, and go to health events, literally do the footwork in person and talk to hundreds of others healing from major illness, to see what is really making others healthy with my own eyeballs and without a screen.

Over the last 7 years, I continued research on what is more than just about one man, but has become a whole segment of the alternative health industry which is pulling the weeds of the snake oil, charlatans, bunk product manufacturers, mistaken trends, bought and paid for research and science, and other harmful health practices.  It’s a movement that involves many doctors, scientists, health experts of all kinds, and most importantly involves millions of people healing from chronic illness.  

After overcoming the worst fatigue, skin conditions, back pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, ptsd, ocd, more than 50 autoimmune symptoms, and then helping others with similar tools, I opened Pure Success Nutrition.  I am devoted to helping busy people go from stress, low energy, pain, and mental/emotional imbalance to finding peace of mind, body, and a fulfilling success in life.